
sedfitter.write_parameter_ranges(input_fits, output_file, select_format=('N', 1), additional={})

Write out an ASCII file with ranges of paramters for each source.

input_fitsstr or sedfitter.fit_info.FitInfo or iterable

This should be either a file containing the fit information, a sedfitter.fit_info.FitInfo instance, or an iterable containing sedfitter.fit_info.FitInfo instances.

output_filestr, optional

The output ASCII file containing the parameter ranges

select_formattuple, optional

Tuple specifying which fits should be output. See the documentation for a description of the tuple syntax.

additionaldict, optional

A dictionary giving additional parameters for each model. This should be a dictionary where each key is a parameter, and each value is a dictionary mapping the model names to the parameter values.